Gluten Free Sweet Potato Biscuits

*2 cups Gluten Free Flour
GF flour comes in all sorts of mixes. I have tried many different kinds with this recipe, and they have all worked, however ones that include xantham gum seem to work better.
*1 TBSP Baking Powder
*1 TSP Salt
*1 Large Sweet Potato
You will want to boil, bake, or steam the sweet potato ahead of time, allow to cool and chill in the fridge, then remove the skin.
*1 TSP Cinnamon
*1 Egg
* 3/4 cup Coconut Milk
*5 TBSP Butter

1. Bake, boil or steam the sweet potato until it is tender all the way through. Allow to cool, then peel off the skin.
2. Cut the butter into slices no more than 1 cm thick, and place in the freezer for at least 10 minutes.
3. In a medium size bowl, mix together the sweet potato with the cinnamon.
4. In another medium size bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, salt.
5. Remove the butter from the freezer and mix together with the flour mixture.
6. Add the coconut milk and the egg to the sweet potato mixture.
7. Place the dough into a muffin pan or small cake pan, and bake at 375ยบ F for 15-25 minutes. The biscuits should be a golden-brown color when finished.
***Allow biscuits to completely cool before eating. Enjoy!